domingo, 15 de maio de 2011


On January 21, 1937, at the age of 38, Prevost died from heart failure brought on by acute alcoholism and malnutrition. Her body was not discovered until January 23, after neighbors complained about her dog's incessant barking. A bellboy, who ignored the note Prevost posted on the door asking that no one knock on the door more than once, finally forced the door open. Prevost was found lying face down on her bed, her legs marked with tiny bites. Prevost's pet dachshund, Maxie, had nipped at her legs in an attempt to wake her up.

4 comentários:

Post-It disse...

o que tu andas a coleccionar!
arre, que a morte, quando vier, seja instântanea como a gelatina!
by the way- quem é esta senhora Prevost?

Ela disse...

Agora ando assim "saturnina", com um pirilito a menos!

Esta senhora Marie Prevost, não tem nada a ver com shampoos, era canadiana, e actriz de cinema, ainda cinema mudo!
É linda, não é?

Post-It disse...

é sim senhora!

dr disse...

toca a animar!